Company Domain Names
A company name is only as good as the .com domain name that goes with it.
That’s why all of the Company Namings’ Company Name Suggestions come with the exact match corresponding .com domain names. All of these Company Names Suggestions and domain names will be available for immediate registration at the Domain Register of your choice.
Company Namings keeps the Company Name Suggestions and corresponding .com domain names short and succinct and almost always under 11 characters in length. Some of the other naming companies come up with great name ideas for your company but let you figure out the domain name. Others come back to you with such “long tail” company names and domains that no one will be able to either remember it or to be able to type it into the browser; forget about getting on a business card.
Study after study has shown that the .com domain name is the king of domains and is the go-to for customers. There is no use in losing customers by using a domain name that is in any extension other than the .com. Yet other companies come back with good names but in the .org, .net or some other domain name extension that no one has ever heard of. Company Namings will ONLY suggest to you available .com domain names.
We do not own, or in any way make any money from the domain names that we recommend. We are in the business of developing personalized company names and domains for your company or business, not for selling domain names or pushing clients toward something that we already own. Some of the other naming companies come up with great suggestions, out of their own directory! Company Namings will only suggest to you names that are available for immediate registration from any domain register.
Company Namings will only suggest names that you can register immediately without additional cost. We will not suggest company names with domain names that will cost thousands of dollars to obtain. Company Namings finds no point in suggesting the perfect name for your company that is well out of budget.
We understand that starting a company requires considerable capital and we know that you don’t need to spend any more on a great company name, when we can provide you with exceptional name choices at just the registration fee ($10 to $15 USD depending on the register you decide to go with).
All of the Company Namings’ Company Name Suggestions come with the exact match domain names which are short in length, easy to spell, easy to pronounce and are unforgettably unique. We pride ourselves for our unique, hyphen free and evocative company names and domain name suggestions.
Please have a look at our three types of Company Naming , with plans starting at only $495 we have a plan for every budget and domain names for every start-up company.
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